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Showing posts from 2016

DHCP Conflict get auto clear

Script on Switch which keep monitoring on DHCP Conflict and get auto clear Script: - event manager applet ClearDHCP event timer cron cron-entry "0 * * * *" action 1.0 cli command "enable" action 2.0 cli command "clear ip dhcp conflict *" action 3.0 cli command "clear ip dhcp binding *" Note: - 1      command run every night at midnight. event timer cron cron-entry "0 0 * * *"         command run every hour though. event timer cron cron-entry "0 * * * *"

Folder Right in SharePoint Public Site

By default, a folder, list item, and library file inherits permissions from the list, library, or folder it is in. The site, list, library, or folder that site content is in is referred to as the parent. Changes to the permissions of the parent apply to all content that inherits permissions from this parent. But if you want to change the permissions at sub site or list/library level ; then first stop inheriting permission from the root site or at Library /list level.  Further you can follow below steps : Click on the “Call up” menu or “…” of folder or documents that you need the unique permissions on. Click on “…” further as shown in Fig. below and then select “Shared With”. Next click on “Stop Inheriting Permissions”. Click OK on the message below:   Now you can grant Permissions to this document: Do let me know if you have any additional questions.

Vbs script to replace remote location files and verify

Copy and paste below code to notepad and change Location  and IP address of your environment Code:- DIM fso Set fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject") On Error Resume Next fso.CopyFile "C:\Program Files\copy\Data\*.*", "\\\c$\Program Files\paste\Data\" strFile = "\\\c$\Program Files\paste\Data\data1.txt" Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(strFile) Wscript.Echo "File copy completed on Server " &  CDate( objFile.DateLastModified)

How to use Time-Domain Reflectometer (TDR)

I’m no electrical engineer, (the closest experience I have with electricity is the amount of electrocution I received when I was a child [due to faulty cabling of electrical appliances]) so I will spare readers technical jargons and boring formulas because this guide is not aimed to be published in the International Journal of Mumbo-Jumbo. This guide is to help anyone how to confidently use the TDR feature when troubleshooting basic Layer 1 Ethernet issue. My knowledge with this feature is based entirely on experience and a lot of trial-and-error. What is Time-Domain Reflectometer (TDR)? “A time-domain reflectometer (TDR) is an electronic instrument used to characterize and locate faults in metallic cables (for example, twisted wire pairs, coaxial cables) 1 .” For the sake of this document, “TDR testing” and “TDR” are used interchangeably to sow confusion to the un-initiated. They both mean the same. How can TDR help me? TDR, in its simplest form,...